Thursday, 11 March 2021

AFL Training

Group B went on the field and learned new skills for AFL.

First we were shown how to pass the ball. To pass we had to make our dominant hand into a fist and our non dominant hand into a plate. Next we used our plate hand to hold the ball and then we used our fist to punch the back of the ball.

After learning how to pass the ball we learned how to kick it. To kick the ball we had to face the laces on the ball away from us and while doing it we had to make a M with our hands. Then we had to make sure our foot was targeting the place where we would kick it.

After kicking the ball we played octopus but instead of tagging we had hit the person with the passing skill we learned. Next we used our kicking skills to kick the teachers and coaches.

I enjoyed learning new skills for AFL and I can't wait to do it again.

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