Thursday, 5 August 2021


I completed an activity about the Olympics.

First I wrote down the motto, Creed and Values and put the logos on a google draw from the

Olympics and PBS. The Olympics motto is faster, Stronger and Taller and PBS motto is Strive and Achieve.

The Olympics creed is the most important thing is not to win but to take part just as the most important

thing in life is not the trumpet but the struggle and PBS is Manaaki whenua, Manaaki tangata, Haere

whakamua (Care for the land, care for the people, go forward).  The Olympics logo is 5 rings coloured in

black, red, blue , green and yellow, and the PBS logo is a white bridge with a red background. The

Olympics values are friendship, excellence and respect and PBS is confidence, attitude, excellence and respect.

Afterwards we made a slide to tell the similarities and differences about it.

To finish up we made our own logo and made our own motto.

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